 Ramadan charity projects
  • 2022-07-27

May you be good every year

Every year, giving and feeling the human side are among the priorities of Jannati Foundation 

 ....... Beneficiary of Ramadan charity projects for the year 1443 at Jannati Foundation for Development 


 During the holy month of Ramadan, Jannati Foundation for Development implemented Ramadan charity projects by benefiting ( 4300      ) person, funded by a number of benefactors.

 The head of the Foundation, Mrs. Saba Al-Ansi, explained that the Foundation implemented Ramadan charity projects during the holy month of Ramadan and included many projects.

 * A fasting breakfast project (food baskets)

 Project fasting breakfast (meals)

 * Dates distribution project,


 *  Eid clothing project 

 *  Cure Your Patients Project to help the sick with the operations and distribution of medicines

 The project to pay the accumulated rent for families is threatened with eviction

 *  A project to pay the debts of the insolvent (for shopkeeper and pharmacies),

 * A project to furnish homes and bridal rooms

 * Project (Make a smile) to distribute Eid sweets and cakes

 * Distribution money of  Eid for children (poor - 

orphans - disabled)

* Project milk distribution for poor children

 In the governorates of (Sana'a, Hodeidah, Dhamar, Amran).

 Ms. Saba Al-Ansi expressed her sincere thanks to all the benefactors for what they did and spent to support these projects. She also thanked the wonderful Jannati team who worked tirelessly throughout the blessed month of Ramadan.

 And thanks to everyone who contributed and participated in the success of Ramadan projects and delivering them to those who deserve it

 Janna ty... continuous giving

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🌐 www.jannaty.org 

📧  janaatyyeme@gmail.com 

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